Sunday, August 29, 2021

How to cultivate broilers

Of the many types of poultry business that are usually carried out, broiler farming is still the most promising business.

The reason is, for broiler farming, you only need a short time to produce chickens with quality meat.

Types of Boiler or Broiler Chicken

Well, now boiler chicken is a type of chicken that is often cultivated for business.

Boiler chicken itself has many types, from crosses and genetics, resulting in a very dynamic strain of boiler chicken.

In fact, boiler chickens always improve in quality, and here are some types of boiler chickens that are widely cultivated in Indonesia:


This strain cobb boiler breed is developed and popular in more than 60 countries and has a development focus on improving feed ratio performance. From a genetic point of view, this cobb strain was developed to have breast meet formation.


This type of Ross strain boiler chicken is a chicken that was developed to have an efficient FCR. Not only that, the growth of this chicken is also fairly fast and has a better survival rate.


The next type of boiler chicken is the Hybro strain chicken, which has a focus on development for survival. This chicken also has good performance in the tropics and has resistance to ascites disease.

How to Cultivate Broiler Livestock

Well, you already know what types of boiler chickens are often used as broiler chickens in a broiler farming business.

Henceforth, for beginners who want to start a broiler farming business, you can follow these easy methods and steps:

1. Determine the location of the cage

How to cultivate broilers, the first thing you have to do is determine the location of the cage. It is recommended that you choose a location for making the cage in a place that is easily accessible and accessible to transportation.

However, for the better, the cage is cultivated in a place that is not noisy, far from residential areas, to close to water sources.

2. Make a cage

After determining the location of the cage, the next thing you have to do in broiler farming is to make a cage. You can make a cage with 2 types of choices, which are often made by breeders.

  • Type of cage without stage

For this type of cage, it is the type of cage that is most often used. Besides, being easy in terms of manufacture, the cost of building this type of cage is also relatively cheap.

  • Type of stage-shaped cage

The type or type of cage in the form of a stage usually does have a rather expensive manufacturing cost.

However, the stage cage type will not get dirty because it is easy to clean. This type of cage does not require a bottom because the chicken manure will fall directly to the bottom.

3. Selecting Superior Seedlings/Doing Nurseries

In broiler farming, the next thing you have to do is do the breeding.

In selecting superior breeds for broilers or boilers, it is advisable to pay attention to these important points:

  • Choose seeds that have active movements, are healthy and do not suffer from physical defects or illness.
  • Seedlings should have a round, fat or plump body.
  • The feathers of superior chicken seeds do not look dull, healthy, and shiny.
  • The area around the anus is not dirty, the eyes are sharp, and the nose is also clean.

4. Feeding

In broiler farming, there is also a way of feeding. There are things that must be considered, both in terms of content and timing of feeding.

The reason is that broiler nutrition must be fulfilled so that chickens can get maximum growth and quality.

For broiler feeding systems, it is customary to use food that is always available and without limits.

So, you should always check the availability of feed in the cage regularly. For the type of feed itself, namely in the form of pellets, crumbles and flour.

5. Perform maintenance

Not only about feed, in cultivating broiler livestock, you also have to do maintenance.

Not just sitting there, until the chicken is big on its own, behind a healthy and quality broiler, it turns out that there are several series of processes that are carried out, including the following:
  • In the first 7 days, superior broiler breeds that have been selected must be put into the incubator, or they can be brooded.
  • After that, feed and drink warm water.
  • Then in the second week, the temperature of the incubator can be slightly reduced, and the type of feed still uses crumbles.
  • In week 3, broiler breeds no longer need heating.
  • At week 4, the feathers of the chicken will begin to appear to grow. At that time the need for feed will increase 2 times.
  • In week 5, you have to do regular cleaning of the cage because the chickens have already produced quite a lot of manuress.
6. Harvest

In this process, you can do it in a systematic way, where the catching of broilers that are ready to harvest is done in stages.

The reason is, if you catch all the chickens at the same time, the chickens are afraid to go limp.

Also, avoid stacking the harvested chickens in the corner of the cage for fear that there will be chickens that die. For more details, here's how to catch the right chicken:
  • Grasp the chicken legs slowly, then grab the chest and lift it up.
  • Avoid catching the chicken by pulling on one of the chicken's wings, as this will cause the chicken to struggle.
  • After that, tie the chicken legs after being caught.
  • Do not forget to record the weight of the chicken when it is still alive. Because the broiler will be sold per weight when he is alive.
7. Wash and sanitize the cage with water.

After your broiler cultivation has gone through the harvest period, don't forget to do some liming on the walls and also the floor of the cage for sanitation.

so that the germs can die, you can also spray formalin. After that, let the cage stand for about 10 days before adding new seeds.

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