Why do peppers have a slightly spicy taste?
Because just like chili peppers, peppers contain a compound called Capsaicin, although the amount is not as much as in chilies. Capsaicin is a compound that causes a spicy or hot taste in the mouth. Peppers contain capsaicin contained in the flesh of the fruit and capsaicin with a high concentration is contained in the area around the seeds. For those of you who may not know, red bell peppers contain higher capsaicin compounds than peppers with other colors. Bell peppers also contain vitamin C, and in fact, red bell peppers are said to contain twice as much vitamin C as green peppers.
How to grow peppers?
Let's get into the main discussion part of this article. If you are interested in growing peppers from seed, here is a guide using pots or polybags.
Step I. Intend, and who says peppers can't be in the lowlands?
As we know that in Indonesia itself, there are many who cultivate this paprika plant. Types commonly grown in Indonesia are skipper, blue star, and wonder bell. And in Indonesia itself, paprika is usually cultivated in the highlands which have cold temperatures.
So, if you are in the lowlands and want to grow peppers in your yard, won't you be able to? Of course, I can! Many of our friends have tried to plant peppers in the lowlands and have been able to bear fruit.
Step II. Get & Prepare Seeds
Your next step is to prepare the paprika seeds. You can buy them in our shop, you can get various types of peppers from green peppers, red peppers, purple peppers, and many others, from local to imported types.
After you get the paprika seeds, the next step is to soak the paprika seeds in lukewarm water for about 4 to 6 hours (optional). This step aims to make the paprika seeds grow faster than not soaked. During the soaking period, mix it with onion water to speed up the germination of peppers (shallots are a natural substance that stimulates plant roots).
Step III. Sowing Pepper Seeds
Prepare the planting media in advance, you can use pots or polybags that have a minimum diameter of 25 cm. Then for the soil use loose and crumbly soil and not compact. Then sprinkle the paprika seeds on the ground and then cover them again using fine soil or sand. During the seeding period of paprika, avoid excessive sunlight by placing it in a shady place and always keep it moist by watering it using a sprayer. Wait about 25 days for the seeds to begin to germinate and turn into seedlings.
Step IV. Growing Peppers to Growing Media
While waiting for the paprika seeds to grow into seeds, you can first prepare the planting media for the paprika seeds to live in. The planting medium uses a mixture of soil, compost, and manure with a ratio of 1: 1: 1. For manure, you can use livestock manure such as cows, goats, or chickens.
To transfer the seeds that have turned into seedlings you have to wait about 25 days to 30 days. The point is that the seeds are stronger and can grow high. We recommend that you do the transfer of seedlings in the afternoon because the temperature is not too hot. After being transferred to a new planting medium, place the pot or polybag in a shady place.
Step V. How to Take Care of Growing Peppers
After the peppers are planted, for the first treatment, you need to make the support wood. The point is that the paprika does not easily collapse in the wind. Next, water the paprika every morning and evening. Watering is adjusted to environmental conditions, if it rains just once a day is enough.
Also, fertilize after about 20 days from the day of transplanting the seeds to the new planting medium and fertilize every 20 days until the peppers are ready to be harvested. You can use organic fertilizers such as compost, manure, etc., or use chemical fertilizers N-P-K. Also, clean the wild plants (weeds) that grow around your favorite paprika plant.
Step VI. How to Harvest Peppers
- When is it time to harvest peppers? You can harvest the peppers after about 3 months.
- How do you know peppers are ready to harvest? You can tell how peppers are ready for harvest in two ways: by tapping and pressing. When the peppers are tapped and make a loud sound, the peppers are ready to be harvested. By pressing, that is, when you press the peppers and the shape does not change then the peppers are ready to be harvested.
- How to pick ripe peppers? Ripe peppers are picked by picking the fruit along with the stalk. After picking, store it at a cool enough temperature so that the quality of the paprika is maintained properly.
That's how to plant peppers in pots or polybags. If interested to try it at home? You can click here to buy a variety of paprika plant seeds that we sell.
Hope your peppers grow well.