Chili is an important part of Indonesian cuisine. Some Indonesians love chili so much that it tastes bland when you eat it without feeling the heat of the chili.
Chili plants are short-lived plants that grow in the tropics and subtropics. this productive vegetable can live for several years.
You can easily grow chili at home. Planting chilies can be done in plant pots, so they can beautify your home decor.
- Choose a pot To plant chili in a pot, the first step is to choose a plant pot that has sufficient drainage holes. You can also use a planting bag. A 5-gallon capacity pot 12 inches deep and a similar width is sufficient for one plant for most chili varieties. Use 3-gallon pots for small varieties and slightly larger 7 or 10-gallon pots for growing large varieties.
- When to sow chili seeds? You can start sowing chili seeds at any time when nighttime temperatures start to cool steadily or above 12 degrees celsius.
- Start planting You can start growing chilies by buying young plants at a plant store or starting your own from seed. Germination usually takes one to three weeks, depending on warmth and humidity. Sprinkle the seeds nearly a quarter-inch into the seed starting mixture. Place the seed tray in a warm place, temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius are important for germination. Regularly spray water on the seed tray and keep the soil moist. To facilitate speed germination, cover the seeds with plastic wrap and store them in a warm place.
- Position Planting chili in pots requires a position where the plant receives full sun. Chilies are heat-loving plants, as are tomatoes and eggplants. If you're short on space at home, try growing chili peppers indoors on a sunny windowsill. In addition, choose a place that has good air circulation to avoid disease. It is also necessary to provide shade in the afternoon when the weather is hot.
- Soil Good soil is the main key for chili plants to be productive. Purchase a high-quality, well-drained planting mix, or make your own. Chili growing media must be rich in organic matter and fertile. For this, you can add manure or compost that has been rotted into it at the time of planting. It is also a good idea to mix 5-10 grams of neem meal during soil preparation. This will protect young plants from soil-borne diseases and pests.
- Watering Keep the soil slightly moist constantly and do not allow the plant to dry out completely. Also, avoid watering above the plant's head as it can cause wet foliage, which can lead to fungal infections. When flowers begin to appear and fruit begins to form, reduce watering a little. But be careful, drying out the soil completely causes the flowers to fall off.
- Temperature Soil temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius are required for best growth. The optimal seed germination temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius. Chili plants can tolerate temperatures up to 35 degrees Celsius and down to 10 degrees celsius easily. The ideal growing temperature is between 21 degrees Celsius.
- Fertilizer The best simple way is to use tomato fertilizer to provide nutrients for chili plants. Application of compost and rotting manure is also good. You can also fertilize once a month with compost or manure tea to increase plant growth.
- Pests - Aphids are the biggest enemy of chili plants, so keep an eye out for them. Also, in dry and hot weather spiders can affect plants.
- Harvest – Harvest times can vary and depend on the cultivar and conditions, but most varieties require two to four months. You can identify this when the chili is ready to be harvested by its size. The longer you leave the chili on the plant, the hotter it will taste.