Green bean cultivation is widely carried out in various regions throughout Indonesia given the high demand for the consumer market. Green beans can grow in soils with an optimal pH of 6.7, good aeration and drainage, and loamy clay textures. Loamy clay usually contains a lot of organic matter that makes the soil fertile. When it comes to a suitable climate, green beans can grow in areas with temperatures of 25 – 27 °C and humidity of around 50 – 89%.
For those of you who want to know how to plant green beans properly and correctly, below we will provide the complete stages. Please read carefully.
Soil Cultivation Stage
Before planting, it is best to prepare the soil first. This stage is done to support the growth and development of green beans that you will plant. For land used for planting rice (rice fields), land used for planting corn, or dry land, it must be managed first. Clean weeds or weeds that are on the ground, after that, hoe the soil as deep as 15-20 cm so that it becomes loose.
Planting Time
Green beans to be planted on former rice fields should be done in the dry season after the rice harvest. As for dry land (dry land that is just about to be planted), it is done at the beginning of the rainy season.
Planting Process
The prepared soil is drilled to a depth of 3-5 cm. Each hole is spaced 40 cm x 10 cm or 40 x 15 cm. Then fill each hole with 2-4 green peas. Cover the seeds again with soil.
Fertilization and Watering
Fertilization is carried out on dry soil using NPK fertilizer. In soils that are not very fertile, 45 kg Urea + 45-90 kg TSP + 50 kg KCL/ha should be given. In addition, the application of compost and urea fertilizer can help retain water in the soil. Especially for former rice planting land (rice fields), fertilization does not need to be done.
For irrigation, green bean plants do not need to be watered a lot because the plants are resistant to dry soil conditions. Intensive watering is carried out only at the beginning of planting, and germination before flowering and forming pods.
The Mung bean is a plant that will not compete with the growth of weeds. Therefore, the weeding process should be done as regularly as possible, twice for two weeks or four weeks.
Pest and Disease Control
Use fungicides and pesticides if pests cannot be controlled. Pests that commonly attack mung beans are bean flies, strips ticks, Plusia charities (caterpillars), or American textualities. While the green bean plant disease is usually leaf spot or Cercospora canescens.
Green beans can be harvested at the age of 58 – 85 DAP. Green peas that are ready to harvest can be marked by pods that change color from green to dry brown or even black. Green beans are harvested by picking. If the harvest is delayed too long, the pods will crack and peel. The second harvest can be done within 3-5 days.